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the sllouette of a woman's head double exposed with the sun to illustrate symptoms of menopause
  • 20% of women will experience peri-menopause a-symptomatic

  • 55% of women have symptoms of varying degrees and require some level of adjustment to carry on with a successful work life balance

  • 25% of women will experience debilitating symptoms and will require very specific support systems to be put in place to maintain the same level of performance, both inside and out of the workplace


Employers must have the right training and processes in place to avoid the costs of menopause both to the employee and the employer. 

I also work with individual clients

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Working with Women Of A Certain Stage

Women aged 50 and over are the fastest-growing group of employees in the UK. The average age of menopause is 51.


Peri-menopause is the stage a woman transitions through until her periods stop at which point she is in menopause. Peri-menopause typically occurs between 45 - 55 years of age and can occur earlier for a number of reasons including certain cancer treatments and undergoing hysterectomy. 


There are 34 recognised symptoms which last for an average of 4 years, although this can vary tremendously across individuals. Symptoms include hot flushes and night sweats, sleeplessness, irritability, problems with concentration, focus and memory, becoming irrationally emotional, mood swings and depression.   

image of a woman gazing at the liht of th end of the tunnel to illustrate help and advice dealig with the menopause for businesses

Women of a Certain Stage will work hand in hand with you to:

  • Inform the impacts of menopause in the workplace

  • Discuss the legal rights during menopause

  • Create your menopause policies

  • Facilitate Menopause awareness through stakeholder engagement, workshop and bespoke campaigns

  • Discuss how coaching supports women during peri and menopause

  • Create menopause fact sheets

  • Provide training on how to identify signs of menopause

  • Educate on how to talk about menopause in the workplace


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