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Menopause In The Workplace

Corporate Training

Menopause in the workplace and the impact on women, transgender men, non-binary, and gender-questioning colleagues. The statistics quoted below reflect the significant focus of research on women. 

Everyone needs to know about menopause.

We will all live, work, or socialise with someone going through it.


Understanding what it is, how to talk about it, and being able to access or signpost effective help and support means that we can end the unnecessary suffering in silence and stop people from leaving work and continue to flourish.

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Did you know?

Women taking time off to manage menopausal symptoms cost the UK economy 14 million workdays.

Women over 50 are the fastest growing group of employees; with significant skills, knowledge, and experience, they are a valuable business asset.

Between the ages of 40 and 55, 80% of women can experience multiple physical and psychological symptoms of menopause; one in four suffers so severely, she needs significant support to maintain normal performance at work.

Many employers notice flagging productivity, higher absence levels, and low morale or motivation.

Sign up to our newsletter to receive the latest research and UK Parliamentary updates on menopause and work: click HERE.

UK Facts


  • 13.5 million menopausal women

  • 75 - 80% are in employment

  • 1. 25 million employers


Women of a Certain Stage


We leverage an associate model to provide menopause training, support packages, and certification to help people experiencing symptoms, their line managers, and the business navigate the transition successfully and empathically.

Ask about

  • Keynote Talks

  • General Menopause Awareness

  • Line Manager Training

  • Upskilling HR | Occupational Health | Wellbeing | MHFA

  • Become a Menopause Champion certificate

  • Become a Menopause Coach diploma

  • Train the Trainer

  • Policies & Guidance

  • Menopause Toolkits

  • Menopause Activity Packs

  • eLearning modules & podcasts

Working with Women of Certain Stage

CPD Member-Lauren Chiren blue jacket

Regular media exposure enables Women of a Certain Stage and their clients and collaborators to raise menopause awareness, highlighting how improving the provision of care for women will drive material business benefits and transform staff experience.


  • Expert-led workplace education, training, policy and guidance

  • Executive health coaching and mentoring to support women to retain their personal power and influence through menopause

  • Keynote speaker

Women of a Certain Stage teaches clients to implement effective and simple solutions to increase attraction, retention, and performance and improve employee engagement and satisfaction.

Menopause at the Workplace expert Lauren Chiren designs all corporate training in collaboration with her global team of associates.

Lauren is a member of the International Menopause Society, Royal College of Medicine, and actively involved in the latest research on all things pertaining to menopause.


To discuss approaches to education and support for your teams, please contact Lauren for an initial chat.


Public courses

Become a Menopause Champion
the menopause plan
Menopause Coach website

“I found Lauren's knowledge insightful and she was able to make the topic 'real' for us all.” 



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Pure Offices C/O Sapphire Finance Ltd Harbour Road, Portishead, Bristol, England, BS20 7AN  Company Number 06426184

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