Finding time to relax can often feel tricky, especially if you are heading into midlife, supporting family, and holding down a job.
You probably feel like you're constantly juggling multiple tasks, and finding time for self-care or relaxation is just another challenge.
Rather than add to the pressure, which only then leads to guilt (and guilt can be almost as bad as stress!) I thought I’d share some of my best - and fun - tips to find peace and for taking time out as you navigate menopause in a way that allows you guilt-free relaxation time.

Here Are My 12 Top Tips to find Peace, from Peri to Post Menopause
Relax in the bathroom.
Yes, it can be a bit of a cliché, and no, it’s not ideal, but when everything is proving too much, sometimes one of the few places you really can hide is the bathroom.
I’m not suggesting that the toilet become your new relaxation station, but there's nothing wrong with taking slightly longer than usual in the bathroom when you need a few minutes to compose yourself or escape.
Take a class and learn to dance. Tap. Flamenco. Country. Samba. It doesn't matter what you learn, just as long as it is enjoyable. It's not only a fun way to get some all-important exercise and boost your coordination and balance, but it's also a great way to relieve stress, make friends, and forget about the worries of the day.
Try aromatherapy.
It could be in the form of massage, inhalation, or room sprays.
Essential oils like lavender and chamomile are known to have calming effects, so why not start with those?
The bonus is that not only do they smell lovely, they also make your home feel fresher without you having to do any tidying up!
Furry friend
Get a pet that you can actually pet.
Studies show that having a furry friend can help reduce stress and anxiety just by stroking them.
Don't believe your family though: despite enthusiastic offers of help before you get a pet, we all know that other family members will NOT walk the dog or clean out the litter tray, no matter how much they promise beforehand. Don't add to your list of things to do if you know that you will be solely responsible.

Get a hobby that has absolutely nothing to do with your work or family. It doesn’t matter if it's crochet, painting, or learning bass! Having a creative outlet that's just for you can do wonders for your mental health. Not only that, but hobbies that require focus are very mindful, so you can tick off'meditation’ at the same time!
Plan a mini break.
Even one night away, ditching your usual routine can help provide you with some much-needed headspace and down time.
Do to pack a good book and take the opportunity to take a mini break from social media; this has links to increased blood pressure and stress too!
If the idea of going away is too much, consider a meal out. The break from planning, prepping, and cooking a meal and then tidying away afterwards can feel almost like a getaway!
Take a moment every day to practice gratitude.
Think about the things you're grateful for and note them down in a journal or diary. It can be something as simple as a good cuppa or a greeting from a neighbour that sets your day up well.
It can be anything at all, as long as you take a moment to feel thankful.
Embrace the positive emotions that come with a good laugh. Watch a funny film, call a good friend, or grab tickets to a comedian to get those happy hormones flowing.
If you can't find time to do any of those, perhaps check out a couple of funny videos for a few moments of joviality.

Get outside in the fresh air.
Going for a walk in nature has a number of physical and mental health benefits, from helping to reduce stress to lowering your blood pressure. If you have a moment, google 'grounding' (I'll write more about this soon!)
Even if you aren’t able to head to the hills, just a walk around the block or sitting on a park bench for five minutes gives you enough of a change to help.
Pen to paper
Write it down.
Start a journal as a handy way to process your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
You don’t need to complete the perfect journal every day for it to help: journaling just a few times a week can be enough to help you release those pent-up emotions, identify contributing patterns, and avoid the triggers that are adding to your stress levels.
What do you see, hear, smell...?
Look at something lovely to get some perspective.
Art has a valuable contribution to make, regardless of what sort of art you like.
Music is just as useful – anything that takes you out of yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed can help to bring some distance and clarity around the stressors.
Maybe spritz some perfume, head to a store to try a few new scents, or try aromatherapy (see above).
Buddy Up
Find the ‘others’ to help remind yourself that you're not alone.
Other people are going through similar struggles, even if they aren’t precisely the same as yours.
Find those people who are able to calmly listen as you share what's on your mind. It doesn’t matter if they don’t have answers – there is wisdom in the saying ‘a problem shared is a problem halved'. Find a way to spend time with those people who can say, 'I hear you.'.
Checkout The Menopause Social Hangout and the Menopause Social Facebook groups for ways to meet others heading through their peri to postmenopause transition.
So there you have it.
12 different ways to reduce stress and keep your cool, even when life's juggling act is taking a strain.
I invite you to give some of these tips – or even just one of them - a try and see if they work for you.
I’d love to hear if you have any other simple ways of relaxing.
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